The Safety Testing and Safety Assurance business unit provides metrology, vehicle testing, prototype analysis and component and material testing services.
The main task in metrology is to ensure the quality of pre-series vehicles, particularly in terms of their test capability and operational safety. We are also independently responsible for the development, construction and operation of innovative inline and offline test systems, such as those for joints, surfaces, hardness or material defects.
For example, welded connections and joints are tested for strength by ultrasound in the body shop. During assembly, any deviations are documented and analysed so that the shutdown processes of the pre-series centre can be initiated
Finally, an acceptance driving test is carried out in order to evaluate all safety-related systems and all vehicle functions. To ensure the quality of purchased parts, we also carry out sampling processes, start-up protection and module testing. We do this for driver assistance systems and infotainment systems (connectivity – mobile online services) in pre-series vehicles, for example. As part of the vehicle commissioning process, we also update the software versions (flashing) in the installed ECUs, whereby this includes vehicle analysis and diagnostics for new electric vehicles